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Sir Graham Balfour School

A member of Insight Multi-Academy Trust

School Organisation

Form Time Programme

The weekly Form Time programme consists of discussion-based activities based on Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education topics. The programme is planned by the relevant Year Head and builds on knowledge from previous years.  The programme also includes assemblies and the, increasingly competitive, Form Time Quiz.

House System

The school is divided into five houses named after stately homes in Staffordshire: Chetwynd, Sandon, Shugborough, Tixall and Weston. Students are a member of a House which supports competition in school. Each merit which individual students earn contribute towards their House, alongside Merits earned via House based competitions like Sports’ Day. 


Students arriving at school after 8.50 am even at 8.51am will be marked late.

If a student is late to school without a valid reason they will receive a warning.  Any subsequent lates will lead to further sanctions.  Form Tutors and Year Heads will contact parents of students who repeatedly arrive late.


Sir Graham Balfour School
North Avenue
ST16 1NR

For Sat Nav directions:

ST16 1NJ


01785 223490
